Often, you find something that you enjoy through work. For me, that’s coaching robotics.
I never imagined coaching robotics three years ago. I volunteered when I was told that our school would potentially not have a program because no one would coach. I had no experience, but knew it was a great opportunity for the students. It started with 4 teams with 14 students competing in VexIQ.
Our first year, we had one team even compete in the State VexIQ tournament in February 2020. The following year, we were completely virtual, but had over 50 students join our Zoom meetings and using Vex VR. For the 2021-2022 school year, we grew into two separate programs: Vex IQ and First Lego League. It included 9 teams and 56 students ranging from 3rd-5th grade.
Project Outcomes
Logo Design
For the Triangle Robotics Logo, I built the design in Adobe Illustrator. I chose the gear to frame the working. I then added the gears to replace the “O” in Robotics and the “0” in 2022. Inside the bottom gear I added the paw print to represent our mascot, the Triangle Tiger. I chose not too add our traditional triangle shape to the logo in order to keep it repetition of circular shapes.
Applying the Design
The design was created with just solid black color to make it easier to apply to objects. The logo was made for t-shirts and other branding items. I included a mockup of the design on a t-shirt. The Logo can also be easily updated for the upcoming school year. The goal was to make it easy for updating and printing on various media.